As per the MCA Academic Regulations 2009 (Item 4.5), a promotion rule stated that “A student shall be promoted from II year to III year, only if he/she earns 40 credits from

i) One Regular and Two Supplementary Examinations of I Year I Semester,
ii) One Regular and One Supplementary Examinations of I year II Semester and,
iii) One Regular Examination of II year I Semester, irrespective of whether the candidate takes the examinations or not.”

The students, parents and the Principals of Affiliated Colleges in their representation requested to consider their promotion to III year from II year of MCA course by granting exemption from the above mentioned promotion rule.

After careful consideration of the representations, the Vice-Chancellor is pleased to permit the II year MCA students to get promoted to III year by granting exemption from the above mentioned promotion rule for the academic year 2011-2012 only, subject to ratification by the Academic Senate and MDC.

The Principals are hereby permitted to promote all the candidates to III year MCA from II year.

For official Notification check the below links