Note : Do the below entire process only after u receive the CMM & PC. I would suggest u to complete the entire process at a time.

Instructions To The Candidates

The registration procedure for obtaining the original degree certificates from JNTU Hyderabad has been changed from this Convocation (II Convocation) onwards. The candidates have to furnish their particulars including Provisional Certificate (PC) number and the address for correspondence in online mode.

The application fee of Rs. 3500/- (Three Thousand Rupees only) can be paid either by making online Payment (using Master/Visa Credit/ATM cards) or by making the payments at any branch of SBH using the on-line Challan generated by this registration application software. In case the candidate opts for the online challan payment mode and if the payment is not made by the candidate against this challan at any of the SBH bank branches, the registration shall be null and void.

For carrying out the registrations using this application software, the candidates are informed to create their account by furnishing their personal profile. Further the candidates are informed to remember their passwords for any future correspondence or updates. The User name shall be the hall-ticket number of the candidate during the study of the course for which he/she is seeking the Original Degree certificate.

You can find the complete process step wise in the below link , Just click on the link & download the file
Convocation Link